Audio and video


Client supplied videos should be supplied via YouTube URL.*

Videos produced by the FT will sit on the FT Partner Content YouTube Channel - listed as public.

Video footage must not contain any logos.

If supplying a YouTube video is not possible, please provide a video file (.MP4) and our team will add it to the FT Partner Content Channel as “Unlisted”

Client created videos should be*:
• No longer than 1”30
• Free of logos and branding
• Adhere to our overall content principles on tone and style
• Support/complement the surrounding narrative

*The FT reserves the right to request changes or decline publication if content provided does not meet our guidelines

    • Full length video - no subtitles

    • Video title and description

    • Thumbnail image

    • A list of tags (keywords)

    • Subtitles file (word document or plain text file (.txt))

If a bespoke video player is being used we require a web optimised MP4 and WebM video file a SRT/VTT file for subtitles.

Hero video specifications are here

*Please note that we are unable to provide video analytics from client supplied YT videos


Audio content (.MP3/.MP4) should be uploaded to an audio streaming platform (ie. Soundcloud).
We recommend that you upload the highest quality audio as possible.

  • Minimum audio bitrate for lossy formats: 64 kbps

  • Minimum audible duration: 33 seconds (excluding silence and background noise)

  • Maximum duration: 30 minutes

  • Transcript to be provided along with the audio file if available.

  • Timestamps can also be used and added to the description.